
How to Calculate and Manage Your PPC Budget: 12 Experts Share Their Tips

Here’s a real story. Upon writing this piece, I tried to set up a PPC campaign on a whim with no plan or clue (practicing on my friend’s small business—oops). I just set the budget and let it run. Was it good? I’ll leave it up to you.Here’s a real story. Upon writing this piece, I tried to set up a PPC campaign on a whim with no plan or clue (practicing on my friend’s small business—oops). I just set the budget and let it run. Was it good? I’ll leave it up to you. So, I consulted with a bunch of PPC pros and watched a dozen webinars to provide you with practical and powerful stuff. You’ll find seven tactics for managing your PPC budget and five tips for making smart adjustments. Let’s dive right in. Table of Contents What is a PPC budget? What is the PPC budget formula? How to Calculate Your PPC Budget How to Manage Your PPC Budget 5 PPC Budgeting Tips from Pros Key Takeaways from PPC Experts What is a PPC budget? A PPC (pay-per-click) budget is the amount of money you plan to spend on ads where you pay each time someone

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